Los Prismas Basálticos - BAJA, MX

Los Prismas Basálticos - BAJA, MX

We went to do a short hike to check out the Prismas Basálticos formations near the town of Comondú. We knew where the rocks were but did not know where the trailhead started or where to park my car. Luckily, we saw some ranchers nearby and stopped to ask for directions. After a short hike, we got to the base of the hill and then galloped up to take a closer look and crawl around.

Quandary Peak - CO 14ers

Quandary Peak - CO 14ers

I arrived at the summit just in time for a glorious sunset and more mountain goats showed up to watch the lightshow with me. They were also a curious bunch and sniffed my tripod as well as my backpack and my person. It was also one of the first times I got to witness a stark triangular shadow caused from the peak I was currently standing on. It was an absolutely magical evening and, yet again, I had the summit all to myself!

ICELAND 4-4: Laugavegur Trail - 50 miles of Volcanic Fields, Snow, Mountains, & Waterfalls

ICELAND 4-4: Laugavegur Trail - 50 miles of Volcanic Fields, Snow, Mountains, & Waterfalls

The greenery yielded to the craggy volcanic wasteland as I got higher up and then you could see the two glaciers flanking in from the sides. At the far end of the tabletop was a skinny strip of land, known as Heljarkambur (Hell’s Ridge) connecting it to the saddle. There were chains bolted into the wall to aid hikers in the scramble up the south side. It was sketchy. I loved it

Citlaltépetl - 18,620 feet - Summiting the Tallest Volcano in North America (May 30, 2023)

Citlaltépetl - 18,620 feet - Summiting the Tallest Volcano in North America (May 30, 2023)

Winds picked up and blew snow all around which created a total white-out with next to no visibility. We could tell the sun was beginning rise and bring daylight as the whiteness grew brighter. Vincente seemed to stop more frequently and look around for this huge rock that serves as a landmark, but we could not see more than 20-30 meters. Luckily, he had hiked this route so many times that he kept us on track without being able to see the crucial waypoint.